Why We Give

Throughout sacred scripture God tells us that everything belongs to God. He made the world and all that is in it. He made us and blessed us with absolutely every gift we have. Our lives, our families, our health, our education, our unique talents and skills, our job and our income are all blessings from God, entrusted into our care for the good of all peoples. In giving we are a “kingdom builder” here on earth – giving back TO God THROUGH the church.

“Then he said to the crowd, ‘Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.’”

Luke 12:15

How We Give

Text a Donation

Text SHOJ $X (X = amount of donation) to 73256

Weekly Envelopes

Give weekly using envelopes (mailed automatically to your home).


If you haven't activated the REALM app, see instructions below.

Edit your Gift

Click here for instructions on how to edit your recurring gift.


How to Activate REALM

REALM is the database that SHoJ uses for parish membership, contributions and accounting. If you are registered parishioner and have yet to activate your REALM profile, please contact Julie Krause at julie.krause@shoj.org to send a REALM invitation to you.

Please note: the invitation email link will come from notifications@onrealmmail.org

How REALM Works

Sign up for REALM

Giving Overview

Privacy Settings Overview