Service Ministries
“If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do”
—John 13:14-15
Bereavement Ministry / Grief Support

What We Do: We provide grief support to families grieving loss and also host workshops in September and January.
Whom We Serve: Parishioners
Training: N/A
Time Commitment: As needed.
Contact: Tim Murphy 913.226.4391 and Clara George
Catholic Youth Organization Athletic Committee, Coaching & Parent Volunteering

What We Do: Bring youth to Christ through sport. Help youth grow in the image of Christ through athletic events; assure its participants, parents and coaches of complete honesty and fair play at all times; provide proper safeguards for its contestants; and cultivate the confidence of the general public in the integrity of the contest played under its sponsorship and supervision. Promote, organize and coach athletics in a Christian atmosphere through the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO). All registrants make a team and there are minimum play time requirements.
Whom We Serve: All Children of the Parish 3rd Grade through 8th Grade.
Training: Coaches - Virtus and Play Like a Champion trained.
Time Commitment: Members of Committee meet three to four times during school year. The Committee helps at various events at various times throughout the school year. Coach: Coordinates and runs practices during the season, coaches during games, is a liaison between parents and coordinators and the DSM and stays current on trainings and attends coaches meetings as necessary. Parent volunteers assist at concessions and at the sporting events as needed.
Contact: Jody Gossman at
Foster Care

What We Do: Provides support and resources for foster care families in our Parish.
Whom We Serve: Current foster care families and families who are considering becoming foster parents.
Time Commitment: 1 – 2 hours per quarter
Contact: Kylie Gaustad
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Knights of Columbus Council 2408

What We Do: The Knights of Columbus is a worldwide Catholic family fraternal service organization. The Knights of Columbus was founded and built on the core values of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Activities include monthly Rosary, annual Lenten Fish Fries, church grounds maintenance, decorating for Advent, cooking for annual parish events, working with Respect Life activities and supporting numerous Religious Vocations. The five primary areas of service include faith, community, family, youth, and fellowship.
Time Commitment: Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month throughout the year at 7:30pm. The overall time commitment is what members want it to be based upon the activities that are important to each member.
Contact: Grand Knight – Joe Blecha at, Deputy Grand Knight – Jim Maurer at or (913) 424-6919
Sacred Heart Staff Support

What We Do: Assist the parish staff by answering the phones for staff meetings, data entry, preparing mailings, copying and other projects as needed.
Whom We Serve: Staff
Training: Contact office to be placed on our email contact list for future projects.
Time Commitment: As your schedule will allow based on staff needs.
Contact: Kerry O'Keefe Owens,, 913.422.5700
St. Mary's Food Kitchen

What We Do: Feed the hungry in our community by preparing/serving a noon meal for 350-400 people.
Whom We Serve: Community
Time Commitment: Second Tuesday of each month precooked food items are delivered to Sacred Heart School by 9:00am. Adult Volunteers serving meals arrive at Willa Gill Multipurpose Center at 645 Nebraska Ave., Kansas City, KS before 9:30am the second Tuesday of the month. Kitchen volunteers should be finished by 1:00pm.
Contact: Ryan and Lynsey Hammeke at, 913.422.8228
Service Committee

What We Do: The Service Committee helps form disciples in Christ by sharing their gifts in researching, analyzing, organizing and marketing opportunities for serving our parish community and beyond. The committee members are fed spiritually with formation through his word and the theology of stewardship monthly.
Whom We Serve: Parish, Community, Church at-large
Time Commitment: Monthly meetings (1.5 hours each).
Contact: Mallory Ronnebaum at, 913.488.2800